Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Smoking Man" 2013

This is a painting of a photo taken by Carol M. Highsmith. Carol has been wonderful in helping me finding photos of every day Americans. Carol M. Highsmith (born 1946) is a photographer, author, and publisher who has photographed the United States, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. She photographs the entire American vista (including landscapes, architecture, urban and rural life, and people in their work environments) in all 50 US states as a record of the early 21st Century.
Highsmith is donating her life’s work of more than 100,000 images, copyright-free, to the Library of Congress, which established a rare, one-person archive.

Friday, October 18, 2013

"Self-Portrait" 2013

This is a 6 ft by 4 ft self-portrait I did in the span of 2 hours. I did this portrait on canvas that I didn't gesso. In other words, I applied my oil paint onto raw canvas. I got the idea from Helen Frankenthaler. I liked the technique. It was similar in a lot of ways to watercolors. However, I would say that my attempt was pretty rough. I need to experiment with this technique more to refine my skill.

Friday, September 6, 2013

"Untitled" 2013

If you were to describe this painting in one word, what would it be?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Marilyn" 2013

There is a lot that goes behind my love for Marilyn. I feel that with every picture she is giving away a piece of herself. When she was a little girl she was raped and her foster parents didn't believe her. I feel like she never recovered from this. Every photo she seems to be begging for someone to save her from her helplessness. But she spent her life making herself vulnerable. I understand being trapped by defining yourself by something you have no respect for. I see a lost little girl every time I see a picture of Marilyn. And I see myself in this little girl.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Squid?" 2013

Thie and I took a welding class today at LHUCA after I met one of the welders in the new welding studio during FFAT (if you haven't seen it yet, go!). I must admit, it will take more than one demo for me to get welding down. This was my attempt at a whale. However, since it looks like nothing distinguishable, I decided to say it was an abstracted squid. For all my Experimental Drawing friends, Jeff would be proud.

"The Hobbit" 2013

I made this poster for my brother because The Hobbit is one of his favorite books and movies. I chose to copy J. R. R. Tolkien's original design for the cover.

"Fitzgerald" 2013

This is a portrait of F. Scott Fitzgerald and in the background I painted his rough draft for the first page of The Great Gatsby.

Monday, July 15, 2013

"Jonah" 2013

I was commissioned by The Difference Makers Fellowship to create a painting. Pastor Bill Stubblefield stopped me one day as I was loading my paintings into the back of my cousin's pickup. He rolled down his window and said, "Are these for sale?" I said I had already sold the one he wanted. He put his car in park and walked up to me, "I sense God wants you to paint a painting for me. Search the idea in prayer and call me." He handed me his card and left. 
This project has kept me in my faith when I was so lost this summer. It has been my floatation device. I presented it to the congregation yesterday and said this:
Jonah was the first missionary ever commissioned by God. In fact Jonah means, “Dove”. Lets think of the times God sends a dove.  Genesis 8:11, God brings the olive leaf as a sign of hope. Matthew 3:16-17, when Jesus was baptized it illustrated the hope of a new life in him. Jonah was the first messenger of hope. Yet, he fought God on it in every turn. Jonah demonstrates the struggle of every missionary. I think so often we believe we are more deserving of God's love than those around us, and this is exactly Jonah's mindset toward the Ninavites. Nineveh was known for their cruelty and violence and this is confirmed by ancient records found there. So instead of following God's call he ran away from God. I've run away from God so many times, but no matter what God always brings us back. If it takes having us swallowed by a giant fish- He'll do it. God spares no expense in bringing his children back on track. 
This message in particular resounds with me because God used me as the "big fish" in my father's faith. My dad was an atheist when he married my mother, but he loved who she was so much he wanted us, his children, raised in her faith so that we would be like her. He just simply could not believe in God. Finally one day he prayed the prayer, "God, if you're real, give me a sign." I was in pre-school, and had just finished watching Sesame Street. Sesame Street taught me that day that "z" was the last letter of the alphabet. I wondered what the last number was. I was in the entry way playing with my toys as my dad, a pilot, was carrying his bags to his car about to leave on another trip. When I hugged him goodbye I asked him what the last number was. He told me he didn't know, but he would find out for me. That day as he and the other pilot were sitting in the cockpit, the pilot turned to my dad and said, "I was selected to name the highest number named, 10 to the hundredth power. My little girl helped me come up with the name, googol." That was the moment my dad realized there might be something to this whole God-thing. And I think God told me then and there, he was always going to use me as his fish to bate people to Christ.
I believe when God says light there will be light. When God says go, we will go. When God says fish he means fish. So I do not believe that a whale swallowed Jonah. I believe that a fish swallowed him. The word used in Jonah does not mean whale, but sea monster. And actually, the research behind it shows the most plausible fish, would be a whale shark. Whale sharks are very docile. They have a huge vacuum for a mouth and simple inhale their food and release the water through their gills. Whales on the other hand, are either toothed whales or baleen whales. Toothed whales would most likely chew Jonah up if they decided to tackle something his size. Baleen whales eat tiny fish. Whale sharks have been found to reach lengths as long as 70 feet. This is why I chose to portray the fish as a whale shark.
Finally I chose to put the whale shark in a shooting star with a night sky in the background because of Daniel 12:3 that says, "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." We are God's stars, shining His light into the darkness. 1 Corinthians 15:41 "The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor." And we may feel like just another dot in the sky, but no star can shine like you. God has a specific area only you can shine light into. I have Esther 4:14 to remind me that God will find a way to carry out His will with or without me, I can let my light dim, BUT He has placed you and I here in His kingdom for a such a time as this. We have been placed right here right now for a purpose. Ezekiel 33:1-9- we are the watchmen. We are the lighthouses for God's light, if we don't warn others of the perils without Christ; their blood is on our hands. Jonah 4:4-11, the greatest missionary lesson is contained in these closing verses. Are the souls of men and women not worth as much as a vine or our everyday conveniences? Like Jonah, we can fall to be more concerned about the material benefits given to us by God, than the destiny of a lost soul. WE ARE CALLED TO SHINE

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"Mehndi" 2013

Jeff gave me this vase. I decided to paint it with a henna design. I've always found the wedding day henna,Mehndi, beautiful. The history is deeply rooted in tradition and bonding between loved ones the night before a bride's wedding. I designed this vase as a wedding gift.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

"Homeless" 2013

This piece is a charcoal sketch on a map. The sketch is of a homeless girl. I drew her on a road map of the United States because for the homeless, the streets are their home. I chose a map of the United States because I think Americans, as a society, like to pretend the homeless either aren't there or belong there.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

"Marlin" 2013

I named this piece after a little orphan boy I met in the Bahamas. We became really good friends and I tried to write him but was never able to find him again. I think about him a lot. I pray God keeps him safe. I love you, Marlin.

"Faithlessly" 2013

This is a portrait of Faith Bacon, an American burlesque dancer. During the height of her career she was named "America's Most Beautiful Dancer." After appearing in the 1933 World Fair her career began to decline. By the mid-50's a co-worker spotted her homeless and begging on the street. Faith died on September 26, 1956 by jumping from her hotel room window. I titled this "faithlessly" because of the faith we put in fleeting things. Faith defined herself by her beauty and fame. This things don't last and when they did fall away, so did she. We all desire and put so much worth in beauty and fame, but at what cost?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Post Card Series"

I'm doing a new project where I create as many watercolor postcards as possible for the remaining of the year. I plan on mailing watercolors to anyone who wants one. I will write a personalized thought on the back of each card. If you wish to participate in this project please email me a portrait you would like done and your address at or leave a comment.
Example: this is a postcard I made for my mom

The back has this quote written on it, "The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I'm thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family's future." Jackie Kennedy

Thursday, June 27, 2013

"The Perfect Country and Western Painting" 2013

         For this project Jeff had to create a painting based on David Allen Coe's song "The Perfect Country and Western Song". This painting had to include: getting drunk, jail, Mamma, a bad breakup, a train and a truck. This seemed like a ridiculous amount of imagery to include in one painting, so I wrote a poem that I thought followed the theme of many country western songs sung by girls and all the imagery he asked to include. 

Watercolor Series

Angelina Jolie

Marilyn Monroe

Amelia Earhart


Ben Harper

Art Nouveau

Brad Pitt

Hedy Lamarr

Collaboration with Jeff

Friday, June 21, 2013

"Sunken Treasure" 2013

I painted this piece on top of a thrift store painting. I should of taken a picture before I painted on this piece. Alas, hindsight is 20x20. Regardless, the painting was entirely yellow, orange and brown. My professor said as soon as he saw it, "Whew! Thats a lot of yellow!" I decided to balance it out with some blue. I added all the blue and green, the whale and the street lamp. I titled it sunken treasure because of the subject matter and my professor's clever style of reviving "sunken" art into treasures again.

"If A Tree Falls..." 2013

The assignment for this piece was to illustrate the song written by our visiting artist, Hill Snider. The song discusses the idea of being heard in a forest when no one is there. This idea seemed surreal to me, as if the forest itself was listening. Which is actually a sensation I feel in forests and the ocean, you are surrounded by life without a soul in sight. I used the Easter Island heads as the model for the tree in the forefront because of the mystery these statues hold. I used Bernini's "Apollo and Daphne" as the model for the trees in the background because it illustrates a classic mythological tale.

"Balancing Act" 2013

I did this piece as sort of a surrealist approach to my work. I am intrigued by the reality of imagination in surrealism. I suppose if I was to tag this piece with some concept it would be that balancing act we all walk in relationships between honesty and compassion, self-sacrifice and self-respect.

"Cut Her Out in Little Stars" 2013

I have this twisted obsession with tragic love stories. The title of this piece is based on a quote from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, 
“When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.” 
This piece illustrates my the lyrics to my favorite song Remembering Sunday Remembering Sunday. The lyrics tell the story of a boy looking for a prostitute he fell in love with after one night. He goes from house to house with her photo, trying to find her, haunted by her memory. The song ends with a girl singing an apology for leaving him by suicide. 
The backdrop for these illustrations are the pages of a short story written by O. Henry, The Furnished Room. In this story O. Henry tells of a boy looking for an actress he fell in love with in Greenwich Village. He goes from apartment to apartment in search of her. In the last room he stays in he looses his grip on sanity because he can sense and smell her everywhere. He kills himself. The story ends with the hotel owner discussing how odd two suicides should occur in the same room two nights in a row. The boy's love had killed herself in the same room the day before.
The Shakespeare quote seemed to pinpoint this idea of being surrounded by a love and unable to obtain it. My style drew from Roy Lichtenstein's work.